Enquiry Now
- Sathe Jewellers presents an attractive opportunity to own exquisiteJewellery or Gold Coins by paying monthly advance.
- You can start with the minimum advance of Rs. 1000 or higher in themultiples of Rs. 500. maximum upto Rs. 12000
Monthly Advance |
3000/- |
5000/- |
10,000/- |
Amount Accumulated by Customer after 12 Months |
36,000/- |
60,000/- |
1,20,000/- |
Discount for Bullion Purchase |
1500/- |
2500/- |
5000/- |
Discount For Jewellery Purchase |
3000/- |
+ Added Discount |
+ Added Discount |
* For the monthly advance above4000/- added discount of 10% on making charges of Jewellery.
- The first monthly advance is payable when the Customer enrolls under the plan. For example, if the Customer enrolls and paysfirst monthly advance for this plan, on 10th October 2018, then last advance will be payable on 10th September 2019 and theMaturity Date of the Plan will be 10th October 2019.
- On successful completion of the plan by regularly depositing the appropriate number of 12 monthly advances, the Customer willget discount for amount equivalent to one monthly advance if He/She buys Jewellery and Discount equivalent to half of onemonthly advance if He/She buys Bullion. See the chart for example.
- On successful completion of the Plan and on Maturity Date as indicated above the Customer shall be entitled to buy fromSathe Jewellers, Jewellery or Bullion of the price equal to the total amount of monthly advance paid by the Customer plus theamount of discount as mentioned above. For this purpose, on said successful completion of the plan, the price shall be asprevailing on the day and at the time the Customer selects goods for purchase. Metal rate applicable will be at the time ofpurchase.
- Bullion means Gold Coin, Silver Coin, Silver Bar.
- Taxes will be extra as applicable.
- Sathe Jewellers shall not be liable to pay any interest on the monthly advances paid by the Customer under any circumstances.
- Monthly advance is required to be paid by cash/cheque between 1 thto 30th of every month.
- Customer can pay monthly advances by giving post dated cheques to Sathe Jewellers.
- Any delay in the payment of the monthly advance will affect in extension of the due date for the same. For example If there is onedefault in payments of monthly advances on due date, then the Maturity Date of the Plan will be extended by one month.
- In case, any cheque is dishonored the Customerwill be charged Rs. 150/- or actual bank charges whichever is higher.
- At the time of purchase customer can either buy readymade Jewellery of entire amount or Bullion of entire amount. Discounton these will be as mentioned above.
- Partial purchase of jewellery and Bullion is not recommended. However, if the Customer opts for such mix purchase, andchooses to buy jewellery and bullion under the same plan, discount offered will be equivalent to amount half of one monthlyadvance on this mix purchase of both jewellery and bullion.
- If price of the product selected by the customer is more than the Maturity Amount then the Customer shall pay the difference.Customers can buy Jewellery or Bullion up to Rs. 2 Lakh only.
- In the event the Customer opts to exit the Scheme before payment of all the 12 monthly advances customer will be allowed tobuy jewellery or bullion from Sathe Jewellers only for the amount the Customer has paid till the month of exit. In Such cases theCustomer shall not be eligible for any discounts mentioned above. Metal rate applicable will be at the time of purchase.
- No cash refund or any refunds full or partial will be allowed under the scheme under any circumstance.
- Sathe Jewellers other campaign, offers, discounts cannot be availed or clubbed under this plan.
- Customer can buy only those items of precious metal which are in stock and salable as per the law and rules of the Government.
- Each plan under the Scheme for which the Customer participates will have to be operated separately and the same cannot bemerged or transferred.
- Sathe Jewellers reserves the right to alter, amend, add or delete any part of the terms and conditions or a total cancellation ordiscontinuation of this future purchase plan without prior notice.
- Disputes, if any, shall be subject to jurisdiction of Nagpur Court.
- Customer will have to provide all necessary documents while making invoice as per current rules of the Government.
- On enrolling and paying 1st advance under this future purchase plan, one will be deemed to have read, understood & acceptthese terms and conditions.
- This Future Purchase Plan is valid for enrollments after 10th October 2018
For any further queries please contact our sales person or call : 0712.2535731